This workshop is perfect for all ability levels. Some artists may choose to follow-along with my exact demo painting, others will want to paint from a different reference image so they have a truly unique painting. All are perfectly acceptable processes and I’ll explain the pros and cons below.

Your Santa Model/Free Pre-Workshop Event
Santa Marcus will be available for free and optional photos from 9am-12pm at Brick and Mortar.  I will also be selling Santa giclées, ornaments, and select additional giclées & paintings during this time. More info on this free event HERE

Santa Photo Options:

  1. Use my Santa Reference Photo (the one I'll be painting for the demo, which will be chosen the morning of the workshop)

    • How to receive: I will upload to the Santa Reference Photo Options link below or text/email/airdrop at the beginning of the workshop

  2. Use any additional Santa reference photos I provide (linked below). I will add more brand new photos the morning of the workshop. These have all been taken by me or the Brick and Mortar owners.

    • How to receive: save your preferred reference photo to your device (or download and print).

  3. Provide your own Santa reference photo (keep in mind copyright laws if you plan to sell the painting in the future or post it online. Always ask permission from the photographer if you’re using someone else’s photo.)

  4. Arrive early and take a picture of Santa (Santa Marcus will be taking free photos from 9am-12pm)

  • Beginner-Intermediate Artists: Option 1 will be the easiest and most similar to a “paint along” class, Option 2-4 will be more challenging but encouraged if you're up to it!

  • Intermediate-Advanced Artists: Option 1-3 are all possible, though I recommend Option 4. Choosing Option 4 means you'll have a completely unique painting that can be posted/sold without needing copyright license or permission from the photographer or model. Option 3 would also work if you have a photo that you personally took. Option 2 is also fine, but there might be several paintings in the world using the same reference photo. You know what would be the best choice for you!

    I encourage intermediate-advanced artists to incorporate the techniques I'm teaching into their own style. Learning this works best when you're painting from a different reference photo than the one I'm using in the demonstration. I'd love to see a variety of Santas in the workshop, but understand if you'd prefer to follow along.  Let me know if you have any questions on this. Either way, Santa will be so much fun to paint!

Thanks to Santa Marcus for offering his likeness for the event. I’d love to take a group photo with him prior to the workshop, so be sure to arrive on time. If you post your painting, be sure to tag NWA Santa Marcus on social media!